Monday, July 14, 2014


“Sweat like a pig
To look like a fox”

How to Choose a Personal Trainer

If you plan to use a personal trainer to help train you during your workouts you should prepare yourself as to the qualities you’re looking for in your future “coach.” What you’re looking for is someone who makes you feel comfortable enough to accept their instruction and guidance.  You want to tell them what you want to improve, what your goals are, and what health factors have to be considered, if any.  Do you get short of breath, do you want to lose weight, how about firming your body, etc., etc.?  Your trainer can help you achieve your goals and he/she should also be a motivator. Let’s consider the following items:
  • Is the trainer an NCCA-accredited certification holder?  The National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) has 26 years of experience accrediting many allied health professions such as nurses, dietitians, athletic trainers and occupational therapists.  You can check on the trainer's credential's by visiting and then clink on the NCCA link. Some of the more popular and established accredited organizations include The American Council on Exercise (ACE), the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).  Also how long has he been actively training clients?
  • Discuss with the trainer his/her work experience and area of specialization.  Is the trainer able to consult with your doctor if you have any medical problems that he should be aware of?
  • Does the trainer have any letters of recommendation from former clients?  Would he mind if you contacted any of them on the phone?  How about previous employers that he has worked for as a certified personal trainer?
  • Does he carry a professional liability insurance policy?  Does the gym he works for carry liability insurance?
  • Does the trainer seem to have patience and interest in what the two of you are discussing? If he doesn't "mesh" with your personality, don't get involved and look for another trainer that you think will fill you requirements.........with a smile on his face!
  • Does the trainer exhibit professionalism?  Try and watch how he trains someone else before deciding on agreeing to become his client.  Does he look interested in his client or just count reps?  Does he teach or spend time on other matters relating to fitness?.  Does he use your time to talk on his cell phone to someone else?
  • What is his background in his area of expertise?  Does he prefer younger clients?  How about seniors?  Try to find someone who feels comfortable and experienced in your age group of clients.
  • If you offer him your phone number and/or your email address, can you expect his help in educating you on matters of fitness, diet, and exercise?  Clients, at least some of them, can further their understanding of all matters relative to fitness via e-mail.  Good trainers should appreciate your interest in what you're receiving from him.
  • How does he monitor his client's training progress?  Does her review his findings with you in person or by way of an e-mail?
  • What are his fees for his instruction?  How does he count for broken and missed appointments?What happens if he is late or forgets your appointment?
If you approach your prospective teacher with a check list or questionnaire, you may save yourself from future problems.  All matters that come to your mind regarding your training should be answered in a friendly manner and concern for you as his client.  After all, it's your money and your training should be worth what the fees are!  Good luck and best wishes for your progress in all matters of fitness.

Go hard or go home

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