My Mission

My Mission


Fitness First And Forever
Welcome to my Blog!  It’s my intention to offer fitness coverage in an ever expanding manner.  Since fitness covers just about everything one can do to maintain and keep optimum health, you’ll see topics regarding exercise, it’s theory and practice and how to develop an effective personal fitness schedule. Sleep is another item that will be discussed and updated to current thinking. Nutrition will be reviewed as will diet, vitamins, minerals and supplements. Comments from readers, their interests, and their desires pertaining to fitness will be welcomed. 
I hope to make this a weekly blog beginning on Monday, October 14, 2013. References to any of my posts will be offered by request and the reason is that they can take up a lot of room. It’s my intention to keep the blog relatively short but interesting and informative.

The main purpose of this blog is to discuss and teach exercise so that you receive an efficiency of time and effort.  This will lead to faster progress and an earlier attainment of your goals.  Toward this end, you will learn how to "talk"to your muscles rather than follow the usual repetitions and set talk - known as "Mathematical Workouts".

There are many who blog on the same subject and that one should try to find a “nitche” to be a successful blogger.  It seems that this is a requirement for success in any field and I realize that there are many, many bloggers on fitness and exercise.  The same is true in bodybuilding.  There are many in a gym that have, or have had, personal trainers to help them out in establishing workouts for attaining their goals.  Probably 85% of the trainees drop out of regular exercising and another 10% look the same after a year passes.  I’m sure my estimates may be incorrect but the result is the same; poor teaching techniques, lack of effort, disinterest, and numerous other reasons may be the cause of the high drop-out rate and poor results. 

Let’s start with personal trainers as a cause of poor progress in an exercise program.  I have had opportunities over the years as a exercise beginner being given instruction by a personal trainer.  I never tell them I’m a trainer as I like to see what they teach that I can apply to helping others.  Very few ever discussed what exercise is and I doubt that many don’t know the difference between movement and exercise!  I have never seen exercise defined even in books on the same subject.  Most write about the goals of exercising, better health, fewer chronic disease problems, etc., etc.  When I was training others, I sent letters to my clients explaining what exercise is, how it differs from movement, what to expect from working out and this was accomplished via e-mails to each of them. This was a service that continued on and on as long as they were my clients. Have you ever heard of a trainer do this?

After practicing dentistry for many years, a dentist learns that inform and consent are important considerations in the medical field. Perhaps that why I carried over this mode of teaching  to personal training.  I have also had a sub-specialty of training seniors  with a certificate from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). This education in the medical field plus the experience of caring for the oral health of my patients for 38 years offers me an opportunity to write about and teach personal training from a different perspective than most of the other trainers.

I hope that what you read in this blog is of benefit to you.  With the knowledge of exercise and fitness in general, applied with diligence on your part, success is down the road - guaranteed!

Perseverance is a great element of success. 
If you knock long enough at the gate, you are sure to
wake up somebody!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, there, this is Brian Rouley - blogger and all around communications devotee.

    I have a habit of reading through a website all the way to the end. Of course, like most people, I scan pretty quickly through things, just absorbing content. However, for some inexplicable reason, I almost always notice misspellings, or misuse of words, or English syntax, etc.

    So, I found this one thing at the end of your, "My Mission" page:

    how they look nude in from of a mirror - I think you meant to say; in front of....

    How did I find you? That testimonial you sent to Mardi was included in her, "Thank you" email message, which I received this morning.

    Have a nice day!

    Brian Rouley -
