Some funny quotes on running/jogging:
"I over train so I can overeat"
"Kick asphalt"
"Your pace or mine?"
"Fast girls have good times"
Is Running Good or Bad
For Your Well Being?
The answer to that question all depends on who you talk to and what are the circumstances, genetics, and many other considerations that can affect the correct answer. Let's look at some of the factors that influence the outcome of running benefits or harm, especially to the knee joints.
- There is a definite genetic influence on the structure of the joints involved in the exercise, and that includes the bone health (osteopenia, osteoporosis, bone density) the menisci, and the shape of the articulating surfaces.
- If there is pain while running and does it affect the position of your feet both taking off and landing while doing the exercise? Pain can be a good indication of joint problems and if it gets worse or not improving, medical advice should be considered.
- Some experts claim that running can bring more fluid in the knee joint and allow for freer movement. Running is a weight bearing exercise and this aids in maintaining bone density. Thicker and denser bone stay stronger with less chance of fracturing.
- A lot depends on the weight of the runner. Example: A 100 lb runner will have approximately 400 lbs striking the payment when landing on his feet. This 4:1 ratio can be used for any size runner. Most successful runners are very trim and lean. Being overweight is definitely a no-no.
- Running is not good for those with hyper-extending knees. In this case the inside part of their feet drop inward more than they should when they're running. That causes stress on the feet and knees, so their bodies are naturally not great shock absorbers.
- A C-shaped meniscus cartilage in a knee joint can wear down and lose it's sponginess (loss of shock absorption) which can eventually lead to arthritis. Being overweight or running over a long period of time is a contributing factor.
Preventive measures for good health and function of the joints include moving around and by staying active. Couch potatoes do exactly what you do not want to do if you are really interested in fitness. Weight bearing exercise and good nutrition is essential. Try using an elliptical trainer when the knees start to bother you. These machines allow your feet to be on a secure base without jumping up and down as in running. You can have a great cardio workout with more consideration for your knee joints on an elliptical trainer. Be sure you have a good supply of calcium and vitamin D3 in your daily diet.
Along with exercise and good nutrition, be cognizant of adequate sleep and rest. Exercise is a catabolic procedure (meaning it is a tear-down of the muscle tissue) and it is rest that brings back muscles that are healed, stronger, and firmer than before the exercise was undertaken. This part of your fitness plan is called anabolic, or build up of the muscle tissues.
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