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"I told my doctor I get very tired when I go on a diet, so he gave me pep pills.
Know what happened" I ate faster".
- Joe E. Lewis
Strength Training For Seniors
Are you a youngster of 65 or more years? Do you spend half of your time in a doctor's office and the rest of your waking hours making doctor appointments, picking up medications at a pharmacy, and complaining of pains here, there and everywhere? Well my dear friend, you need help.
Let's start off with an appointment at your doctor's office and tell him (her) that you want a checkup to determine what kinds of exercise he recommends. What, if any, are your limitations that you should be aware of to tell your trainer? Get a form, signed by the doctor, that you can participate in strength training and have him list any items that need special attention (i.e., heart problems, recent surgeries, arthritis, etc.).
If you will go to a gym and get an experienced personal trainer, he'll get you started after obtaining your goals, time allowed for training, how often you can work with him during the week, and any other information he may require. If you have experience exercising, let him know and what you did and when you last worked out on a regular basis. This is choice No. 1!
If you do everything on your own, please look at some of the best places to offer help in your exercise plan. Each of these sources you can find on your computer. Also, you can see videos or pictures with explanations of what and how to do the various exercises. The recommended sources are listed below.
- 10 Best YouTube channels for free fitness videos:
- Physical Activity: Strength training for older adults: Exercises Step 1. DNPAO/CDC.
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